Therapeutic Side of Gardening

Time and again, psychologists have recommended green therapy as part of emotional and physical healing. Gardening has a positive impact on mental health. Did you know it can lift your mood and help you overcome anxiety? Here is how.

Happy Hormones

If you want your body to release happy hormones, try working in the garden. Horticulture encourages you to exercise and have a sense of responsibility. It feels good to accomplish a task and the exercise part is good for your muscles. Immersing yourself in the planting of flowers can raise the levels of dopamine and serotonin. These hormones regulate the mood to give you a good feeling. Their presence also suppresses the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. That is why a session in the backyard makes you let go of excess energy, leaving you with a feeling of renewal. While the activities can be tiring, it is a great way to help you sleep better.

Venting Anger

Some forms of gardening can help you release anger and aggression. The therapeutic power in farmyard activities allows you to nurture your inner self. Instead of hitting a punching bag to release tension, you can trim the hedge or pull out the most stubborn weeds. Rather than yelling at the kids, you would enjoy better chopping old plants to make compost. You can as well water the seedlings for a sense of growth and renewal.

Relaxation and Letting Go

There is a form of peace that is associated with gardening when you do it alone. Escape the daily chaos in the neighborhood by spending time in the flowers. Their restful appearance reminds you of a state of no emotions or bad energy. Take care of plants to connect with your carefree part without worrying about bills, family conflicts, deadlines, etc.

Some solutions for your competing thoughts could be found in a green piece of yard. Tap into the rhythmic nature of sowing, weeding, or trimming and let your thoughts follow the movement. You might even start generating new ideas. Happy gardening!
